Apr 07, 2019 | Brent Meyers | 2194 views
2019 Quick Feet Team
I would like to thank all the parents and players for attending this years 2009 try-outs. I appreciate your patience during the selection process and the help of my evaluators. This group of players that attended the try-outs made things hard for our selections over the past week.
Please see below for our 2009 Team
G- Grayden Bird
G- Mason Bell A/P
Kade Kucan
Josh Edmonstone
Emmett Schipprack
Will Kueneman
Cruz Meyers
Josh Timmerman
Cody Frook
Jacob Corriveau
Gabe Hunter
Ray Heaney
Nathan Miller
Lucas Weber
Landen McCartney
Hudson Murray
Eric Frook
We would like to wish everyone a great summer and keep loving the great game of hockey. Every player should be proud of there effort and keep up all the hard work. For those that were selected we will see you on Thursday April 11th at practice.
Brent Meyers