Apr 07, 2022 | Jamie Mousseau | 1236 views
2022 Quickfeet U12-2011 Team
Hello all,
Thank you to all the kids that came out for tryouts this year. This has to have been the hardest team to pick in my many years of coaching. Please see below the kids that have made the team for this year. Also, I will be looking for a team manager, team trainer (someone certified in CPR/First Aid) and two more bench staff. Please let me know if you are interested.
Owen Fry
Kaine Myers
Graydon Mousseau
Caleb Morgan
Kai Bailey
Colton Messerschmidt
James Hawkins
Connor Dunn
Cole Weltz
Mack Smith
Colden Dalton
Corbyn Morgan
Zack White
Dylan Walter
Waide Biernes
Brady Richardson
Greyson Wolfe
If anyone is interested in still playing spring hockey this year, it looks like there will be a second team made as there was just over 31 skaters that came out for tryouts. Please contact Brent Meyers at 519-889-1229. Thanks Jamie