Schedule For Stratford Tournament, News, Minor Novice 2006, 2014 (Quick Feet Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2014 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Apr 23, 2014 | astanley | 920 views
Schedule For Stratford Tournament
A "tentative" schedule has been posted to the tournament website which shows our first three games as follows:

Game 1 -  Friday, May 2nd, 1:30pm Vs. Regional Express 2 - Molson Pad
Game 2 - Saturday, May 3rd, 12:00pm Vs. HTA Lightning - RBC Pad
Game 3 - Saturday, May 3rd, 3:00pm Vs. Regional Express 3 - Allman Arena

A team email outlining the weekend schedule will be forthcoming. Arena Addresses below:

Stratford Rec Complex - RBC & Molson Pads
353 McCarthy Rd., Stratford
P (519) 271-0250 x 252

Allman Memorial Arena
15 Morenz Drive, Stratford
P (519) 271-2161