Apr 19, 2015 | astanley | 898 views
Welcome to the Fifth Season
The snow has melted, the sap has run, the trees are budding, the Robins are singing and the sounds of children playing outside can be heard through the streets. In most towns across Southern Ontario you would be safe to say that Spring is here.................and for the most part you are correct.
But for a select bunch of young hockey players, who are dedicated and passionate about a game they love, this signifies the start of another season. One you will not find mentioned in any of the Farmer's Almanac, not marked by any solar event or by the phases of the moon. No groundhog can predict it's arrival.
It is the start of the Spring Hockey Season, the fifth season, and the only way you can tell that it has arrived is by the appearance of the Orange and Blue army converging on the Town of Walkerton, preparing for battle.
The fifth season is here. Let's go Major Novice and show our rivals who we represent. We are fast, we are strong and we are proud.............We ARE Quick Feet Hockey.
Best of luck this season to ALL of our Quick Feet Teams.