Apr 23, 2015 | astanley | 903 views
Ball Hockey at Horse Palace
Thank-you all for getting back to Tara about the best days for Ball Hockey. Most people responded that Wednesdays and Sundays worked best. We have booked 2 sessions on Wednesdays and 2 sessions on Sundays:
1) Wednesday, April 29th, 6-7pm
2) Sunday, May 3rd, 6-7pm
3) Wednesday, May 6th, 6-7pm
4) Sunday May 24th, 6-7pm
All of the Dryland Training will be at the Horse Palace in Walkerton (next door to the arena). Cost per player will be $11. Please pay Tara as soon as possible. Please let me know if you are unable to attend any of these dates.
We are in the process of getting an extra hour of ice time booked in Owen Sound for the week of May 25th-28th which is just before our Collingwood Tournament. Details regarding cost and date/time will be sent out once we can secure the booking.
See you all at the rink.