Apr 29, 2016 | jscott | 811 views
Time for the Toronto Cup!!
The 03 Quick Feet H.C are on their way to their first tournament of the season. The Team will compete for the Toronto Cup this weekend, games in both Toronto and Oshawa.
"It was a tough start as the boys adapted to contact hockey in their pre-tournament game vs The Collingwood Blue Thunder. We struggled in the first to adapt to the new style game but quickly caught on as the minutes ticked away. We are ready and know what to expect when they step onto the ice this weekend in the Big Smoke."
The team plays 2 games Friday in Scarborough and 2 on Saturday in Oshawa before their play-offs on Sunday.
" We need to believe in each other and ourselves. Play the game as a team, hard and fast. The rest will come together on its own."
Good Luck this Weekend