Apr 07, 2019 | Steve Barber | 2166 views
2019 Quick Feet Major Novice Team
2010 Quick Feet Team
We would like to thank all the parents and players for attending this years 2010 try-outs.
Your patience during the selection process has been greatly appreciated!
This group of players that attended the try-outs were very impressive and made things hard for the selection committee.
We are pleased to select the following players for this Spring's Hockey Team:
Max Matta
Grayson Bell
Brodie Ford
Riley Andjelic
Tucker McKenzie
Parker Adams
Gryphon Barber
Holden Cosby
Luke Soloman
Jackson Needham
Taron Hervieux
Colby Hayter
Lochlan Harrald
Michael Maloney
Stanley Chapman
Olivia Stutzman
Wilhelm Blythe
We would like to wish everyone a great summer and keep loving the great game of hockey. Every player should be proud of there effort and keep up all the hard work.
For those that were selected we will see you next Saturday at practice. We are really looking forward to having some great experiences with this team!
Steve Barber