Jun 05, 2011 | ham24 | 2091 views
Congratulations on a Great Spring Hockey Season!!
Congratulation to the Minor Atom AAA Quick Feet team on a Great and Successful Spring Hockey Season. It's hard to believe it is over already as everyone hates for a good thing to come to an end.
It was a pleasure to coach this team and all the players are a classy bunch, not only in the manners and respect they showed off the ice but also on how they conducted themselves on the ice by staying the course and playing the game. They play hard and when they play as a team, well, the results are evident as we have seen many times this year. It sure is nice to watch!
I have seen many improvements in each player over this short period from the first tryout to the last game. From the way they approach practice to the way they play in the game. We had a very competitive team this season which definitively says volumes to the talent level of these players. I have to say that we are all very proud of you for all your accomplishments, efforts and hard work. I hope it was enjoyable for all and that you got out of the program what you expected to achieve. I know I did!
Great Season Team!
Coach Chris